Educated by a Vagabond (myself)

I went to college but that’s not where I was educated.

College for me was a time of creativity and having my papers proof read, edited and typed by my girlfriend. College was a time of failing accounting class and trying to earn some money (an artist should never-ever have to take accounting, ever).

The launch of my education started about two years after college. I started traveling, (a lot) for a photography company that I was working for. Sitting on long plane rides reading a variety of biz books, curbside philosophy and random novels. Kerouac, Henry Miller and Nietzsche…these guys spoke to me. They had been the teachers that I was searching for.

Food was an educational tool. I wish I could say it was being exposed to different cultures but it was the food that was the teaching means of experiential value. Dinner in San Francisco is much different than dinner in Kentucky. And dinner from a street vendor in New York...well there’s nothing like that, anywhere.

Walking has been a good educational tool. Walking in the woods or down a city sidewalk, strolling through a small town. Go for a walk, you will learn something new.

My Father has always said to me “you go to school to learn how to think”. I agree with that. Now that I am a parent I want to expand on the words of my father.

You go to school to discover the passion and effort of how to continually think, expand and grow for the rest of your life.

Simple concepts that deliver…


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