Emerson Marie
Sunday, March 14, 2010
1:12 am
9lbs 8.2oz
21 inches
Being over due with a baby over 9 pounds is not fun. I was on a self-prescribed bed rest the week that I was overdue. It was really hard to move, sleep and pretty much do much of anything. The day I went into labor I decided that I had to just do something... get out of the house - anything.
Saturday we went and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks as a family. I was pretty emotional at the theatre thinking this might be the last time we are a threesome. I was really uncomfortable during the entire movie but found comfort in eating the yummy theatre popcorn.
That evening I was even more discouraged with sitting on the couch. I got up enough courage to go to a store to pick up a few things. I was scheduled for induction the following Monday and knew that if I didn't buy my last minute things I would never have another opportunity.
While at the store Andy texted me to take my time - I ended up going down almost every aisle! It was fun to wander and look at things... I bought Drew some big brother toys, some lip gloss and some baby necessities. A labor inducing shopping spree?
Later that night during Saturday Night Live I felt a small pop... when I stood up I realized that I my water had broken and that I would soon be feeling contractions. Within 10min I was feeling contractions about every 5 min. We called my midwife and mom. About 45min later we were on our way to the hospital.
We arrived at Mercy around 12:15am on Sunday, March 14. Luckily, the staff on the OB floor where aware of my quick deliveries and had already started filling the water of the birthing tub. Grandma and Auntie Trish arrived to help watch our 3 year old Drew - who by the way was a champ at the hospital in the middle of the night! When the tub had enough water in it I was able to enter... about 12:50am. Emerson was born about 20min later. It was an awesome experience. Even though she was 8 days late, her quick delivery made up for it all.
Now we are adjusting to life with a newborn baby. I just love having a little girl in my life. Drew is a terrific big brother... always wanting to hold, kiss and hug her. Andy is a great hubby - helping at night cooking dinner and with middle of the night diaper changes.
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