Cold and rainy in Pittsburgh today. The past days have been filled with either warm sunny days or chilly overcast skies.
Weather brings out my inter-perspective side of thought. Right now I would love to be out for a long walk with my camera and journal stealing ideas from my surroundings.
Instead I am enjoying the clarity of this present moment. That sounds all Zen-like, I probably stole that line from some book that I read but can’t remember for sure.
Photography has constraints. The medium itself is built upon constraints. This is good for a lot of reasons; builds discipline, focus, insight and lastly constraint forces thought with fresh creativity. Those are good constraints…
A pure creative experience devoid of constraints ~ that is what I am searching for.
It’s time to change the tools that I work with. Ordered a Flip cam & started experimenting with iMovie. I am setting my own constraints for this project by limiting myself to the basic recording and editing software. It will force me to have a strong focus on the narrative and the composition.
Human-centered design mixed with a multi-media project is my next side project. Short videos, documentaries and collaborations…feels like the right direction for me, for now.
Ubunta (African concept) We are only human through the humanity of others….
I pray to the Muse out loud; let this be my path.
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