How I got my PhD in the “How-To-Business” of Photography

***New series every Monday for the next 5 weeks*** Part 4 of 5
read part 1, 2 & 3 (HERE)

(without getting into debt or going to school and how you can do it to)

In September of 2000 I started a new life.

The transient life never sat well with me and I no longer wanting to travel or work crazy long hours. I wanted to see the people in my life, walk my dog and sit on “my own” sofa for a change.

I was good at photography but I was burned out. Writing at the time did not turn out well for me. Guitar? Hmm. That was a thought. I had been playing nonstop since my childhood. I had the college band and was good. Pro-good? Not sure…but let’s find out.

Music it is. I wanted to earn my living from playing guitar. I will gladly keep taking photos on the side to pad the bank account and keep my skills sharp. Six strings and mysteries lied ahead of me.

Problem number one; I had no music career or any hope of one anytime soon. What to do? I would get a 9 to 5 job sitting in a cubical (a paycheck is a paycheck and it’s nice to earn money when you’re selling out) to pay the bills. Hmm…not that funny when you’re saying that to yourself. The 9 to 5 was not all that bad; all the free coffee I could drink, high speed internet to plot out my future and weekends off. My new trifecta.

I stumbled into a music partner, she sang I played. I got a part time job playing music for a church on Saturdays and Sundays playing in their worship band. I loved it. It kept my musical skills sharp and gave me the opportunity to play. I even paid taxes from my income earned from playing music. Nothing makes you feel more like a professional than paying taxes.

Soon we were playing coffee shops, church basements and the bookstore circuit. It wasn’t quite like national touring but there were baked goods. Then 9/11 happened. The world stopped and they asked the musicians to play. In times of war send the musicians in first, when they can do some good. One year after 9/11 I am playing 100 shows a years for the next 3 years. People wanted to be uplifted from the dust and music is cleansing for the soul.

Monday through Friday I worked 9 to 5, Friday night through Sunday night was all music. I played everywhere, from street fairs to festivals to small theaters to large stages. I played for the homeless, the prisoner in jail, I played for the sick and dieing, I played for all.

Insanely useful photography tip #5: You have to earn your audience….repeatedly if you want to work.

Throughout this time I was playing music that was mostly originally written. So night after night we had to introduce and re-introduce our music to the audiences. No radio play, no media attention, no big paychecks. We earned our money from self-produced CDs sales and the “sometimes-but-not-too-often” performance fee.

The 9 to 5 was necessary, the guitar brought in some income (some months good some other not so good), photography jobs came in here and there from friends and family. All in all I was earning a good living doing things that I loved. My day job was my closeted secret. People would ask me what I do for a living and I would say I am a guitarist and photographer. They were impressed. I felt like a fraud because I needed the day job for consistent income.

Insanely useful photography tip #6: Do your best work every time, there are no small jobs.

Life was busy and hectic again...then I fell in love.

To be continued…

If you like this article please be sure to pass it on…friend me on Facebook, connect with me on Twitter and info on private consultations can be found here on Photographer's Corner.

Part 5 of 5 next Monday…


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