Part 1 of a 12 part series every Tuesday
Last year I completed a peak conditioning project modeled off of Patrick Reynolds blog/idea. I am proud to say that I have stuck with the “new me” for the past year, not gaining any of the weight back.
Last year:
Starting weight 171lbs ~ Ending weight 162
This year I am looking to go deeper in my development. I will be calling the next 90 days my…
Natural Method Conditioning
Based on two core principles:
Be strong to be useful ~ George Hebert
Eat food, mostly plants ~ Michael Pollan
My goals (Body Mind & Sprit) what I hope to improve:
Lose remainder of belly fat
Workout outside as much as possible
Develop whole range of movement
Functional fitness
Starting weight 161lbs ~ ending weight to-be-determined
Increase writing flow
Increase photography visualizing skills
Improved cognitive skills
Practice lifestyle economics
Develop deeper meditation practice
Reconnect with my true natural self
Stay with me on the journey (I need your to help keep me motivated and honest). If you choose to do your own 90days let me know.
Be sure to check out Elizabeth’s blog, she is also doing her own 90days.
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