Wednesday Morning in FLA

Tuesday Evening in FLA


{enjoy} The Nordlund Family


I spend so much time looking at the light that I rarely remember to look up... Seems to be a insanely useful photography tip....

{enjoy} Christine & Andy Engaged

{photos and post by paige}

Christine and Andy were laid back and easy to work with. They have been together for 7 years already! It was very clear that they are so comfortable together and very much in love. {congratulations!}

{enjoy} Emmaline Bride

Emmaline Bride just feautured 2 of my weddings and 2 of Paige's on their blog. How exciting! You can check the entire post out here. {enjoy}

{enjoy} Self Portrait 16

{enjoy} Self Portrait 15

One Click of the Shutter

One click of the shutter, that is it; that is how to take a great photo for the most part.

The photo I posted today is my favorite photo of this trip so far. Is it a great photo? That’s up to you as the viewer to decide. As for myself, I like it…a lot.

The compositional process started about 12 hours before I clicked the shutter. Wednesday evening after a sushi dinner & movie (Sherlock Holmes ~ excellent) with my wife, this photo happened to be an inspiration in my head. Microbrew beer is good for the compositional soul. British import, full-bodied hoppy beer: my creative muse.

{enjoy} Plant Worn

Katie is my dear friend from high school. When she moved back to the area with her husband we picked right up where we left off. I was excited to do a fashion shoot for their new clothing line, Plant Worn. The clothes are really fun and all organic. I love the screen printing that Madron does himself. You can check out their website and the photos here. {enjoy}

{enjoy} MInnesota Bride Magazine

Check out the new Minnesota Bride magazine. We are in there a few times! We love the magazine and it is alway a thrill to be published. {enjoy}


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Pembine Wedding photographer :: Another ordered fav!

Another ordered print from the bride and groom... I just love when they choose the beautiful artsy wedding photos!

Tuesday Evening in FLA

f/22, ISO 100, 10 second


Current Reading: The Place That Scares You by Pema Chodron
Current Music: Guitar Trio by Paco De Lucia, Al Di Meola, and John McLaughlin
Mood: Imaginative
Sounds: Wind rustling through the trees
Smell: Pine
Temperature: 53 degrees
Thoughts: New technique for ambient photos (See HERE)

{enjoy} Self Portrait 14

Nature Dreamscape Series

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I spent it will all of my loves: my wife, my daughter and nature. The day started off with a long hike through the woods that took me arounnd the perimeter of a lake.

Having the opportunity to spend February in Florida is a different encounter in nature for me. The colors of February light are filled with soft blues, strong greens and diffused yellows. The greens are multi-layered with deeper shades, hues and saturations than I have ever seen. The morning light breaks through moss-blanketed trees reflecting off the white sand. These colors give off the sense that you are walking through a dream.

This got me thinking about my approach to my work on this trip. My photographs are much softer and wispier in contrast to the sharp focus and strong lines of my previous work. Its nice to notice this shift in style as an after-effect in the work as opposed to having it pre-planned or forced. Photographing without a defined goal is a rare thing for me…and very enjoyable.

My thoughts about this work were confirmed over coffee with Elizabeth later in the day when she referred to this body of work as my “Nature Dreamscape Series”…I like that...a lot.

Coffee on Valentine's Day with Elizabeth. There were no diamonds given as gifts but a soy latté says Love just as much (it does right?). Conversation and time alone with “E” is my connection to the divine. In the afternoon playing in the park with “little e” is our product from the divine.

{enjoy} Self Portrait 13

{enjoy} Self Portrait 12

{enjoy} Self Portrait 11

Thursday in FLA


This is my first winter in a different climate; shockingly odd experience.

7am awakened by the Florida yellow sun. In Pittsburgh it would have been dark shades of gray slowly turning into brighter shades of gray. I am discovering that there are two types of winter colds. Pittsburgh’s cold is a still and deep cold and Florida's cold is a shifting and unsettling cold.

To my Pennsylvania friends with the snow-covered towns: sorry, I’ll take FL cold any day over shoveling my driveway.

Chilly short morning walk with my daughter today, had to turn back because of winds. My 4 year old almost became the cutest kite ever when the wind practically lifted her off my shoulders.

Next on the photo-agenda dusk shooting…

{enjoy} Self Portrait 10

[enjoy] Self Portrait 9

This summer Paige and I did a series of 8 self portraits. We had so much fun with it, and loved the challenge of being inspired everyday. We are at it again with a second installment of self portraits. {enjoy}

Photo of the Week

The Wedding Channel

Leah and Mike's December wedding was featured on Check out the entire post here!

{enjoy} kind words

I love seeing my work up in my clients homes! Thanks so much for sharing Erin, your home is beautiful! {enjoy}

Hi Erin,
Our living room and dining room have practically turned into an Erin Johnson studio! Kris got two of the wedding photos framed, and then we just got some from the Ruby shoot printed on canvases.
Erin L.