Books, Wines & a Cycling Platypus

I just read, actually mostly viewed, "Things I learned in my life so far" by graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister. I ordered this book from the library after reading a recommendation. The book is comprised of separated journals all placed in a single sleeve to look like a book. This work is hypnotic in nature.

Tonight I pick up Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words by Jay Rubin. It will have to hold me over until the next Murakami novel 1Q84 is released. The Japan release of this novel is this summer 2009, if anybody knows the U.S. release date is please let me know.

I accidentally stumbled on to Chilean wine a couple of weeks ago, Emiliana Organico. American wine can taste synthetic and heavy. Elizabeth is enjoying the chardonnay and I like carmenere red. We have not enjoyed a wine this much since Italy.

Check out Elizabeth's blog redesign by Chris Miller a.k.a the Cycling Platypus. Chris did a great job and was easy to work with; deep bows of gratitude to Chris for putting up with all our questions and suggestions.


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