40 in 30

Reflective, that is how I feel about turning 40 years old 30 days from today.

Looking back what progress have I made? I can honestly say that I am beginning to be “ok” with who I am. It seems that I have gotten a lot more things right then wrong in my life at 40. I have a wife and daughter that are better than I deserve. I share a business with my wife and daily I work with a purpose. I live in a home that is warm and filled with light and love (with a whole bunch of great photos, guitars, aromas from the kitchen and pitter patter of little feet.)

The greatest lesson that I have learned “so-far” is that having parents in your life as an adult is important. The first twenty years of a child’s life is dedicated to keeping your child alive and well. My parents did that, thanks mom & dad for that. Adults need parents. That is the lesson learned. I still need to be parented too. Advice, structure, wisdom, time, conversation, understanding and all the whatnot’s of a life is needed. Now that I am the father of a 3yr old I understand the importance of being a son at 40 yrs old.

At 40 I believe my work and artistic life have progressed. I am happy about that. I have honed my crafts and cultivated my skills, read books, kept journals, said my prayers and eaten my vegetables. I have played music, taken photos, gotten in shape, written stories, essays and rants even occasionally been published. I have walked in the woods, traveled abroad; I have climbed rocks, drunk wine, ate countless numbers of pizza slices and have kept my dog by my side for the past 16 years.

Perennial work in progress is the who, what and why of my zeal for life. To the next idea, know how much I looking forward to discovering you. The fear of stopping to develop in mind, body and spirit is my muse.

The second 40 years holds the divine mystery in front of me. Raising a daughter to be kind and intelligent, sustaining a business that can be passed down to the next generation, being a good husband, father, son and citizen to the life that has been given to me.

Simple, purposeful and with rhythm - those are the words to describe how I will live out the second set of 40 years to come.

In my eighties I hope I am in the last 20 plus yrs of my life, if I am so blessed. Sharing this journey with my wife I will learn how to oil paint, tinker in my woodshop, enjoy grandchildren and do whatever my wife wants to do, probably travel…nonetheless, if I pick up my dirty socks and place the dirty dishes in the dishwasher I think she will keep me around.

To all the angels, geniuses and genies in a bottle that have guided my way on this journey…thank you, deep bows of gratitude to you.


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