Sara {1st day of kindergarten}

Sara's {and mommy's} big day to go to kindergarten finally came! She is now officially grown up and moved on, I might as wells just pack her boxes and get her an apartment. Totally kidding but this does seem to be a pretty big deal {I think more for me then for her}. I was listening to the radio and they were comparing starting kindergarten to when your kids get married. I thought "hold on one thing at a time"! {Although I do already have some great plans for my kid's weddings.} Needless to say I am very proud, sad, happy, excited and nervous. But more importantly she could not be more ready. I made her a special breakfast and then she ran to the bus stop. I think she was more excited about riding the bus then about school. When I picked her up all she talked about was the bus ride and how she sat next to this pretty girl.
Look at how big that back pack is... cracks me up.While we were waiting for the bus she was just jumping up and down with excitement. Then she said..."I have to go potty!" I quickly ran through the options in my head and decided she would just have to squat and go in the neighbor's yard. Luckily Sara was the only kid at the stop.She picked out her own shoes and of course she wanted sparkly princess shoes. There she went off on the bus and I am left with a forever changed life. OK, I know I am being a little dramatic and I will be over it next week or maybe when I get use to waking up this early.


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