my girls {up at the cabin}

My husband's family has a cabin up north and we get up there once or twice a year. It is always nice to take a break and just spend time with my girls and husband. I haven't taken photos of the girls lately so I made it a goal to do so when we were there. Nora was so cute when she found the bubbles.It is fun to see Sara get so independent now that she is 5 years old. She spent so much time in the water just hanging out on the inner tube. I really love the ages my girls are at. They are still babies, but so independent too. They don't need me to do everything for them anymore.After time in the lake they cleaned up. Sara wants to be just like mommy so she asks me to wrap her hair up after she is clean. These photos just make my heart melt. What a beautiful face. Nora, however was a bit of a different story. I love capturing my kids' fits; it just makes me laugh. Little miss independent didn't want any help getting her pjs on and then of course once they were on she was daddy's little girl. I love seeing how small she is to my husband; if makes him look even more like a protector.


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