1969: Life began and men landed on the moon.
69-72: Cradle years, no memories but I am desperately afraid of bars to this day.
1977: Second grade: First music teacher, drum lesson, he always called us girls. Never forgot his teaching.
1982: Seventh grade: Picked up the guitar and got good at sports (finally), well not very good just not embarrassingly bad.
1984: Ninth grade: First band called “The Blast”, and it was. Grew hair, made parents proud.
1987: Graduated High School, my parents proved the power of prayer.
1988: Went to college – Communication major – Literature, philosophy and photography came alive to me.
1989: Met Jesus and said “hi”, read a lot of Nietzsche.
1991: Understood Nietzsche, some of it. Had “The College Bar-Band”, wrote really bad poetry and song lyrics, great period of my life but not even close to the best period.
1992: Hello real world. That costs how much????
1993: Met Buddha, asked him “where did you get those sandals”, he responded “walk right down that middle path over there”.
1994 – 2000: Took a lot of photos, traveled the country and survived Y2K of pending death.
1996: Was given a dog as a gift, Kiani (a.k.a. –the K-man), the best spiritual teacher ever. Walked into the woods, discovered God. Actually the K-man introduced us.
2001: Put out first CD with Sarah Wilkins. Played a lot of coffee houses, churches and festivals, discovered that red wine and coffee are my drugs of choice.
2002: Introduced to Elizabeth, breathed air for the very first time.
2003: Put out first and only instrumental CD.
2004: Married Elizabeth, proving the power of prayer to myself.
2005: Craig Photography became a husband and wife team, best lifestyle, economical, decision ever. “E” and I rock as a team. Went to Italy, brought back a bean.
2006: Elizabeth gave birth to the “Bean”, we call her Ella. The “E –Team came alive.
07-Present: Smile all the time, best period of my life so far……
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