In-Home Coffeehouse Workspace

We all love the feel of a coffeehouse; cool music, good art, inspirational surroundings, comfy furniture, aromas & tastes of coffee…somebody said creativity was born after the first perk.

So (insert dramatic music here) we (E & I) invented a new home-work-live-space. Introducing the “In-Home Coffeehouse Workspace”. Soon to be seen on TV decor shows (Planet Green network please come to our home).

This would be a good place to inset some photos but currently I am waiting for the furniture to be delivered, hence giving me time to write this daydream of a post. Photo will come soon, probably.

The epiphany was: why work in one room and live in another? E & I are all about using every inch of space we have, using it comfortably and setting it up to specifically fit our lifestyle (which is usually one or both of us reclining with feet propped up on some piece of furniture while manifesting our brilliance…modestly of course).

So now instead of using a quarter of this room, we use all of it. Priceless…well, not really thanks to E’s manifestation of this room’s brilliance. So we’ll just say…Happy.


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