Is this you?
-You take great pictures
-Everybody tells you that you take great pictures
-Your friends and family always ask you to bring your camera
-You bought an expensive new DSLR camera
-You have no idea how to use to it, except on AUTO
-The camera’s manual scares the bejesus out of you
-You love photography and want to get better
Who should take this workshop?
-If the list above is YOU
-You love taking photographs
-ISO, F/stop, shutter speed, and aperture are words that means nothing to you
-You have no idea what DSLR means
-If you want to able to tell your camera what to do
-If you want the mysteries of the photo universe reveled to you
What you will learn
-Understanding exposure
-How to use your camera in manual mode
-How to take a photo “correctly” in camera
-Natural light techniques
-Understanding your lens
Who should not attend this class?
-If you have an understanding of exposure and are able to use your camera in manual mode, this class is not for you.
Location: Historic North Side of Pittsburgh at Annie O’Neill Studios
Date: November 1, 2009
Address: 502 W. North Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Time: 1pm-4pm
Cost: $55.00
Contact Elizabeth Craig at 724.355.9079 or by email at for more information and to register.
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