Language of Art (-ease)

Last night’s conversation was focused around the language of art. Sitting in a well-laid out office with a pair of web/graphic designers I was able to speak fluently in art-ease. It was nice. Often artists have to speak in parables, examples and metaphors to be understood. It’s not that the language of art is complicated, but rather it is a language of “feeling”, which can be problematic. The syntax of art-academics is easily understood, but the culture of communicating a “feeling” is hard to express to someone who is not involved in a compositional practice.

The polysemous nature of descriptive terms for fine aesthetics are un-definable, specific and dualistic in significance. Slow art, resonate, vibe, groove, pulse, moment, pocket, timing, imagination, color, texture, renewal, flow, classical education, and aesthetic philosophy is the definition of "polysemy" itself; "something having multiple meanings".

Mathew Dallman, publisher and Editor-In-Chief of does a great job of bringing these quandaries to a conversational level. Read “The Nature of Aesthetic Study” by Dallman for a deeper syntax, etymology and real life purpose for talking about fine art.

For me last night was a moment of flow, form and function. All I needed was Chianti Classico and Bach cello suites playing in the background to complete the bliss.

Photo of the Week

Camera: Nikon D70
Exposure: 10 sec (10)
Aperture: f/29
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: 0 EV


Current Reading: Good to Great by Jim Collins
Current Music: Reprieve by Ani Difranco
Mood: Foggy
Smells: Green Apple
Sounds: Silence
Temperature: 67 degrees
Thoughts: Day 10 of peak condition project, 80 days to go….

Something Great

Been feeling uninspired lately: Historically that means I am about to do something great. “Great”, meaning that I dig the new work and new direction. Now I sit and wait for the brilliance. Writer’s block, photographer’s block, guitar player’s block are things that I do not experience too often. I practice everything-everyday a lot. It’s my creative spring. I figure if I play guitar everyday, write a page a day, and complete two to three photo sessions a week, I will generate something pleasant to look at, listen to or read.

As of writing this, the greatness of something new hasn’t happened. I hope for all of us that this piece of writing isn’t the great stuff. If it is thanks for reading… it’s been nice having the company. Hopefully this is just a fluffy nonsensical piece to get me to the good stuff. Played some funky guitar music for my daughter yesterday morning, hope I can remember it next time I pick up the guitar. She danced to it, must’ve been ok. I want a Lute, that instrument that Sting made trendy. Trendy to those who are currently uninspired and are easily influenced by Sting, that would be me. In times of creative drought I like to buy things, actually I just like to internet shop and never purchase the item. The idea that you have to buy something to get that photo, sound or creative impulse is an abomination of all I hold sacred.

Ate lunch outside today, sat under an oak tree. That seems to be creative nature in itself. Wrote in my journal, listened to the birds of Pittsburgh flutter in the trees and daydream about….

Thinks I just got my inspiration… gotta go….

Class of 2009 - a teaser...

A little fun fact about me and my photography journey... I love high schoolers!

When I was in middle school I was obsessed with those little rounded corner wallets. I collected the images of anyone who would give me a photo. My junior year of high school I actually worked in a studio who's specialty was high school seniors. My little obsession with wallets grew... now I get to create these wallets for my high schoolers!

What I love the most about this sort of session is not just the fashion, poses and backgrounds... but the idea that for one day you can be a star.

Here are some teasers from the class of 2009...

MK '09 Color

MK '09

MK '09

MK '09

RW '09

RW '09

RW '09

MH '09

MH '09

MH '09

MH '09

MH '09

MH '09

MH '09

MM '09

MM '09

MM '09

SV '09

SV '09

SV '09

SV '09

SV '09

SV '09

SV '09

SV '09

Peak Condition Project - Week 2

Starting Weight 171 lbs.
Current Weight 168 lbs.

What I learned so far is that my body accepts change much easer than I expected. Been eating about half of my normal amount of food and have taken out salt, oil and butters almost 100%. The biggest change has been the amount of sleep that I have needed. Typically I sleep about 7 to 8 hrs. a night and this past week I have slept 10 to 12 hours a night.

For more on:
Peak Condition Project (be sure to check out the side bar links)

Photo of the Week

Camera: Nikon D70
Exposure: 5 sec (5)
Aperture: f/16
Focal Length: 46 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: 0 EV


During conception, in the womb, and through the first years of life we are always accompanied with companionship. Even in dreams we are guided by some force or narrative. It is not our nature to be alone. Why do I crave solitude? The economy of space and silence within my own understanding is the immersion of liberation that haunts me. Caustic pain of seclusion, it’s my lure, it’s my mistress. A palette of time, observation and study of myself, my environment is considered necessary. People are noise, I need quiet to grow.

11:02pm: rice timer beeps, lunch for tomorrow. Last hint of headache lingers in my temples; my tongue is dry, rice smells sweet. My wife and daughter sleep. Is this solitude?


Current Reading: Mister B. Gone by Clive Barker
Current Music: Everything That Happens Will Happen Today by Brian Eno & David Byrne
Mood: Happy
Smells: Clementine
Sounds: Air conditioner
Temperature: 70 degrees
Thoughts: Change is ok

The Peak Condition Project

Couple of weeks ago I started reading this blog, The Peak Condition Project, authored by Patrick Reynolds. Something happened to me…I got motivated. Working out for me has consisted of yoga and hiking for the last decade of my life. For the better part of the past ten years I have been in “ok” shape, but soft in the abdomen. I am lucky enough not to have a gut, but not lucky enough to have tight abs. The dream of six-pack-abs has long been forgotten. The dream of a tight mid-section and no love-handles lives on. The simple goal for me is to lose six pounds, sounds easy. I weigh 171lbs and would like to weigh 165lbs. The comprehensive goal is to determine what my fit peak condition is. How much can I be in control of my body/mind connection?

90 Days of peak condition workout is:
Resistance bands, push-ups and jumping rope (cardio)
Fitness: Hatha yoga
Meditation: 20 minutes of zazen
Diet: Correct portions, conscious preparation, eating quality whole foods and journaling what I eat and how I feel.

If you are a regular reader of this blog then you know that I have been a long time practitioner of yoga, meditation and a macrobiotic diet. For years I have only been 80% faithful to my practice. Don’t get me wrong, being dedicated 80% of the time is an achievement to me. The goal of 100% dedication for 90 days works for me, it’s my mountain top. Hopefully with effort, blogging and journaling my way through this process I will gain a deeper understanding of my body, mind and spirit connection.

Wish me luck. I think I will need it.

Ocean City, NJ

Greatest hits fom my vacation, (Slide Show)

Ashley + Zach {married}

Ashley and Zach got married with great style! Everything was done so beautifully for their wedding. My favorite detail was Ashley's dress; it was so stunning on her. A love these two together also! Zach's silliness is a great bonus to their relationship. I'm sure you will have a lifetime of happiness. Thanks for having us be part of your big day.