High fashion bride

High fashion bride, originally uploaded by Ardent Photography.

This photo was taken in the ladies room at the reception. I loved the 1930's original subway tiles. I applied a Kubota action to this to try to add some drama to the photo.

{nerds in glasses}

Every week I get together with these 5 lovely ladies, well 6 if you count me. Last week we went to the studio and had drinks, pizza and a tone of laughs. I took a photo of each girl with my new nerd glasses on. These are my favorites of each girl. The first one is me and my sister took it. Thank you to all me dear friends for putting up with my silly ideas. I had a blast and love you all.

{Alexa and Travis July 14, 2007}

What an amazing wedding! Every wedding I've gone this year I think "this is the best one yet", but now I've started thinking they are all the best. I am having a fabulous year! Alexa and Travis certainly added to that list. Travis is charming and Alexa is sweet. They are the "perfect pear", which was the theme of their wedding. Alexa grew up in Stillwater so we got a ton of of different photos all around downtown. Lucky for me Stillwater is one of the most spectacular cities in Minnesota. Look at this beautiful necklace, she actually wore it backwards.
Travis was such a stud in front of the camera. I don't get to many grooms like that.
Their ceremony was at the Albertson Farm just out of Stillwater.

After a stop at the Mad Capper we went to the reception at The Grand Banquet.

Thanks again Alexa and Travis for having us, we had an amazing time!

Two Become One - July 14, 2007

The bride and groom did this themselves. Like I said... DREAM COUPLE! I just told them to go into this structure. I originally wanted to do just the bride, but the groom's silouette just looked too amazing. I'm glad I saw the bigger picture.


This photo was inspired by Scoobs1969... what a great way to showcase the wedding bands. This shot is straight out of the camera... however I did do a slight color balance modification in Camera Raw.

This photo is one of the MANY awesome frames that I took at yesterday's wedding. Janelle and Eric were the dream couple. Sophisticated, stylish, and most of all totally in love! They just fell into every "pose".

I also tried something new at this wedding. I downloaded frames to my MacBook and did a small slideshow before we left. By this morning I had 3 brides inquiring for 2008! YAY!!!

I will create a set of more shots soon.

{Michelle and Nate July 7, 2007}

Wales, Wisconsin

058meier.jpg, originally uploaded by Ardent Photography.

I love this shot. Look at the love that is beaming from their eyes! I nailed this one! Very proud!

39 Weeks

065nadine062807.jpg, originally uploaded by Ardent Photography.

This belly was photographed at 39 weeks! Nadine had half of her photos taken in her wedding gown - she is one great looking mamma!

To see more please click on the image and go to my photostream.

Orthopedic Specialists - Appleton, Wisconsin

01_orthopan.jpg, originally uploaded by Ardent Photography.

Waiting area of Orthopedic Specialists in Appleton. Their new building showcases furniture from Nordon Business Environments.

This image is a panoramic created in Photomerge in Photoshop. I took 3 images and merged them to create a wide angle view of the lobby area.

I was hired to take photos for my husband's company, Nordon Business Environments. The interiors of these buildings are quite beautiful. In this lobby to the right there is a 2 story water feature. Windows allow natural light to fall into the enormous waiting area. In the winter the fireplace can keep patients warm while catching up with a magazine.

Nordon Business Environments has the ability to design entire office interiors. They specialize in space planning, installation, system furniture and much more.